"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."
Couples Therapy
How can we better deal with issues in a relationship, improve communication,
and enjoy each other more?
Individual Therapy
How can I have a better relationship with myself, be more satisfied
and achieve more in my life?
The Work
A way to identify and question those thoughts that cause suffering in us. A way to find our inner peace.
Couples therapy sessions are usually around an hour and a half. The prices are on a sliding scale, which means that, if needed, we can find a price that fits your ability. Please approach me, if this is an issue for you.
Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time set aside especially for you, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required for rescheduling or cancellation of an appointment. Otherwise you will need zo pay for the appointment.
About Me
Since 2022 I am officially a systemic family and couples therapist (certified by the SG), after a 3,5 year training.
In 2021 I started working with couples and individuals, and I really love this work.
Many of my clients are queer, trans, non-binary or others. But I am also happy to work with straight people : )
Since 2016 I am an accredited Coach for The Work (VTW).
In Israel I have done a BA in psychology.
I was born in Tel Aviv in 1974 and have been living in Berlin since 2001.

Nili Shani
Naunynstr. 81
10997, Berlin – Kreuzberg
0176 – 64 16 16 76